Four Days in Trinidad, Bohol


It was an unexpected visit to their Dada's hometown. It is called Trinidad, Bohol.

It happened even if we were not prepared because her Aunt, who helped raise her when she was younger passed away due to old age.

So off, they went ahead of me. It was still a Thursday when they left home, in Baclayon because burial will he held the day after.

Thankfully, M was able to take a leave for a few days. 

Taking the kids to M's place was not easy. It was only on a motorbike, for more than 2 hours.

For many people, this may seem unacceptable and risky, but heck, we have done what we can raising these two, not in an ideal situation but sometimes even in ways unimaginable.

The thing is, we have survived and we have to make do with what's available. Sometimes, I took a bus, sometimes a motorbike with her, and sometimes we take a car with us.

At home, before they left.

Preparing to leave.

The dog at M's place.

Mother pigs and piglets.

Feeding her brood.

About to broil an eggplant for lunch.

Yoki, Tita Menera's beloved dog, taking a nap.

Sushi with cousin JayLord. He loved her dearly.

Cousin Jake, ensuring that charcoal is ready for the fish and eggplant.

Broiling Tilapia fish for lunch.

But most times, he can easily get dirty ;)

                          Natnat is happy here, yey! :)

Until next time, because Trinidad is HOME, too!


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